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Curriculum Vitae

Creating my CV has allowed me to appreciate the unique skills I possess to an employer. I am also more aware of how employers may view my CV as a reflection of me as an individual. I have also gained a positive sense of self-confidence from completing this CV. I was awarded several honours during my secondary school education, including winning a debating competition and receiving an award for my grades for history in 6th year. I also gained confidence in my extra-curricular activities, including facilitating a drama workshop for children while volunteering at an arts festival. One unique feature of my CV is my inclusion of certificates awarded by the Centre for Talented Youth and Dublin City University. This six-week Summer programme is available for gifted youth who show high ability academically, in areas of abstract, verbal or mathematical reasoning.


My past employment history also allows employers to see I have versatility and can excel in many workplaces. I have volunteered and worked as a care assistant in residential homes for the elderly and people with intellectual disabilities. I have also worked as a tour guide in a cave, where I facilitated school and delivered information to hundreds of people. I also have an excellent student record, with my grades throughout my four years of college being above average. I have been accepted into a Masters programme and offered a role in a hate crime research group, where I completed my co-op during third year.



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